Aquaponic Garden

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime,Teach a man Aquaponics and the community eats. . . A short story of how the our aquaponic garden was build.

Carlos; had a passion for fish since he was five years old. Back in 1977  he collected fish by the creek close to his house;  and made his mom buy more for him at Woolworth retail store(as he appears in the picture), interested in fish learning how they spawn, what they feed on and studying their environment like every curious child does...coming home with  hand full of different types of fish. 

Several years later in 2004 he decided to start aquaculture for freshwater fish  and aquatic plants. He had big plans for our aquaculture farm...

A year later we started to work on the dream of having an Aquaculture farm;   He went to the University of Puerto Rico R.U.M. to study a short course on Aquaculture given by S.E.A. and instructed Saul Wiscovitch (R.I.P) Natural
Resources AquacultureE.D.O. University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus.

 After two years of working on the project, life gave us a twist of fate and we had to put this dream on the side by several years. Then we moved to Florida and in 2010 we found our Love shack with a big lot of land.

UHH... perfect low cost and lots of land, yes! And here we go again... Fish ... but now with a different point of view, since our house is located in an agricultural community, why not  Aquaponics?

After several years of intense labor. (We did it all by ourselves and with a little help of some friends ) finally his dream is near to completion.
Aquaponic Lettuce
Tilapia fry
Developing his dream we created this short presentation of what we have achieved in with hard work our aquaponic garden.

Thanks for reading our  blog; The Vicenty's

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